Artificial Intelligence for Urban Air Mobility
PhDSep 05, 2022

I will be joining and organizing the AI4UAM summerschool at Sapienza university or Rome this september.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly becoming a key technology to solve a wide range of problems due to their high mobility in three-dimensional space, easy deployment, and relatively low cost. Since UAVs are easily deployable and have a more flexible configuration than terrestrial devices, they can be used in many applications domains.
Some examples include UAVs used as 1) aerial stations to provide services after a natural disaster or for network access in remote areas; for 2) emergency communications and rescue support; 3) surveillance tasks in risky and dangerous areas; for 4) cargo and goods delivery to supply food and medical goods; in 5) agricultural field to monitor and facilitate farming activities.
AI4UAM is the first Summer School that focuses these topics.
AI4UAM has been organized within the BUBBLES UE project.
BUBBLES is aimed to contribute to the safe and efficient use of UAS in the European Sky supported by SESAR JU. This project will define U-space services enabling the safe and efficient operation of large numbers of drones without adversely affecting manned aviation.